Stealing the Credit: Franklin steals the ideas for the Franklin stove, bifocals, and "Haste makes waste" from the Warners.Rewriting Reality: The Warners are able to manipulate the weather by altering Franklin's farmers' almanac.Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: To the song "All About the Benjamins".No Celebrities Were Harmed: Franklin puts on a Sia wig while playing the violin.Historical Villain Upgrade: Unlike most depictions in which he's usually a Nice Guy, here, Benjamin Franklin is an unpleasant, stuck-up, short-tempered, credit-hogging jerk.Tropes found in "All About the Benjamin": The Warners combining their weapons is a nod towards Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, though not to the extent the Warners did.Ralph resembles an odd fusion of Voltron and Mazinger Z.

Also counts as a Call-Back to last season's "Bun Control". The signal that lights up is a picture of Yakko donning Kamina's shades, resembling the Gurren-Dan logo.The Warners are all based off of the heroes of Thundercats 1985 with Yakko as Lion-O, Wakko as a fusion of Panthro and Snarf and Dot as a fusion of Tygra and Cheetara.Shout-Out: The entire thing is a heavy nod to a number of 80's-based franchises.

This is the first episode in the Animaniacs reboot to end on a cliffhanger.80's Cats: The Warners take on a retro look.Īll About The Benjamin: The Warners work as Benjamin Franklin’s apprentices.Ģ3 and WB: The Warners take a DNA test, only to find out they’re related to the CEO.